A downloadable Bot

Work in Progress Source Code: https://github.com/Noelwiz/MemeEconomyBot

$help to get started once you've followed the install instructions. 

All commands are triggered with $ It should be noted that if there are any spaces in a name, you must use the meme's tag, these spaces will also break other things, so don't, just don't
$initialize intializes the bot for the server, actually entirely unsessicary.
$startround starts a new round of trading
$endround ends a round of trading
$join joins the current round of trading - so you will be paied interest and can buy/sell memes
$portfolio privately messages you your portfolio of memes
$memeinfo [meme tag] sends an embed with info about a meme including it's dividends and stuff
$buy [meme name or tag] [amount] buy amount of specified meme\n$sell [tag] [amount] sells the amount of that meme
$help sends this wall of text
$trade [meme tag] [amount of meme] [amount of $] offer to trade an amount of memes for the $amount of money from you to them both numbers can be - so sign matters this is not implemented for jam at all
$playmusic plays the currently nonexistant meme economy theme song. obviously not implemented.
$pausemusic stops the currently nonexistant meme economy theme song. :( obviously not implemented.
cancilorder [meme tag] [amount] deletes an order from your queue this round
$clearorders clears your orders for this round
$givemequeue sends you your order queue maybe


memeeconomy.zip 7.4 MB
MemeEconomyBot.jar 7.9 MB

Install instructions

This is a discord bot: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me 

create a new app, create a bot user, get it's Token and put that in the bottoken.txt file

then https://finitereality.github.io/permissions-calculator/?v=1194839232 go there, put the bots client secret in, and then paste that link into a new tab and add the bot to  a server.

New Alternative! download that jar file and figure out how to run it 

running instructions here: https://blog.ostermiller.org/opening-jar-files for jar files, you may have to throw in a "bottoken.txt" file with a discord bot token, see above for that

*I did not make most of the stuff in it, things like JDA, and such are libraries from other people, but I did make the meme economy and bot parts! 

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